Seminar Internasional – APSAT 2015
“Satellite Opportunity In The Changing Market Of South East Asia”
Pullman Hotel, Jakarta
24 – 26 Juni, 2015


The APSAT 2015 is the 14th ASSI’s consecutive annual international conference series on the satellite communication aspect and it is a remarkable annual event in Indonesia and it is being acknowledged, recognized and endorsed by telecommunication international societies, professionals and government institutions. ASSI (Asosiasi Satelit Indonesia) or (the Indonesian Satellite Association) is an inclusive non-profit organization, based in Bandung, established in 1998, to promote and encourage the satellite industry, including the satellite community development in Indonesia, through national-international multi discipline collaboration; and to address wide range satellite related issues.

In ten years latest, the growth of communication Satellite business mainly was driven by growth of Internet backhaul, mobile backhaul, and enterprise network. The demands of both backhaul are still growing, but because of deployment of fiber-optics, part of the satellite capacity for backhaul will migrate to the fiber-optics.  For the next few years, probably the demand for satellite capacity will change form backhaul to enterprise network. Enterprise network tends to grow that be driven by Internet services requirement and enterprise expansion.  Satellite business stakeholder is important to consider and change position to face the market changes.

The growth of middle-upper society in Southeast Asia drives growth of need for DTH TV with HD and UHD quality. The need drive growth of new operator and for while existing operator need to migrate their services from SD format to HD and UHD format.  The changes of the requirement increase need satellite capacity. In other side, the limitations of capacity supply fit to some area and also climatic in tropic area become challenging for fulfill the requirement. Technology innovation in space segment and ground segment needs to be discussed and explored.

In five years latest, many discussions about HTS has been done in many events, but until now deployment of HTS is still in sub-tropic area dominantly. In the trend of the changes of life style, include in Southeast Asia, require Internet services, the HTS can be a solution.  Because of that, the technology of HTS in space segment and in ground segment is very important to be explored.  The optimize resource for HTS, partnership business model among of Southeast Asia should be discussed.

To face the changes of the market, the regulation becomes important issue.  The allocation of frequencies for satellite and terrestrial has been important issues in WRC in one decade. Beside of regulation of frequencies, the regulation regarding to slot orbit need attention.  Orbital slot is limited shared resource, how to regulate it to make the resource can optimize for fulfillment of human being requirement become be important.  Issues are being discussed by various work group of WRC-15 preparation should be shared, so satellite stakeholder can prepare their self to face some possibility of changes.

Nowadays Government, some institution, and some related company intends to do activities like observation, natural resource mapping, marine resource mapping, remote sensing, GPS, etc. that need multiple propose small satellite.  Satellite industry must support this requirement. Base on latest phenomena, market of the multi propose satellite will grow.   Technology, market, and business model for this kind of this satellite services need to be discussed and explored.

APSAT 2015 will have 2 days conference to address the above issues, which include Business, Technology, and Regulation.  All participant, manufacturer, operator, user, and regulator will get high beneficial trough the conference, special to face the changes of market in the region.

During 1st day, the conference will focus on satellite businesses, which start from panel discussion from international satellite business player and followed discussion on DTH market. In the afternoon, we will have discussion on High Throughput Satellite and followed by discussion on regulation on frequency spectrum to facing WRC-15.

On the 2nd day, the conference will focus on cellular backhaul application, enterprise solution and the multi-purpose satellite usage that can impact significant in the future.

The theme for the APSAT 2015 is “Satellite Opportunity in the Changing Market of South East Asia”.

The Objective

  • A tool to enrich, encourage and support the satellite industry and community development in Asia-Pacific region and Indonesia in particular.
  • A practical discussion medium among the satellite industry experts addressing the eminent and future issues, technology, application, regulatory and business issues focusing on the Asia-Pacific region, through sharing experience, information and idea in the satellite related matters.
  • A medium for future co-operation, business engaging and non-profit mutual collaboration.